This site was developed to inform and warn you for the many different kind of scams that take place on the internet.

Don't take these messages serious, they are only trying to make money out of you!

Did you receive scam email too? Send them to us:

Help us to fight this online crime !

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Why this website?

Hello and welcome to this website,

first of all, let me introduce myself, my name isn't important, my actions are. I am a young male resident of the Netherlands. I've been active on the world wide web since 1996, I started my first homepage at Geocities *rip*

Ever since that day, I enjoyed surfing on the internet and sharing information with others, from all over the world. I felt that some boundries were fading away, the world became a lot smaller, at least so it seems though.

With that in mind, I also discovered some disadvantages of this descaling development; I started to receive emails wich almost all promised me 'Mountains of Gold'. The first time, ( I was like 15 or 16 years of age) I thought I really had won a nice sum of money, thought I kept my cool and started a email conversation with my so called benefitinairies.

It didn't take long before I got a reply, but there was something fishy about it, the domain the email used (the part between '@' and the country suffix e.g. .com .gov) was This made my backhairs stand up and I started to play them.

Soon I had them by the nose, and they stopped anoying me with their fake prize winning notifications.

Years had passed and I didn't receive anymore of these kind of scam mails, until.... late 2006
Somehow they (probably Nigerians) managed to dive into their archives and they retrieved my email account, wich was still, like today, the same after all these years.

I decided then, to keep these emails separate and archived them into a special 'scam mail' folder.

Because I don't read a lot about it in the newspapers, discussion groups or police rapports, and I do believe there are many victims worldwide, I started this website, just to share my knowledge with the world, to assure people can be informed and warned for these fraudulent activities.

Now you know Why, I'll share my future plans with this site with you:

First of all, I'll publish all the scam mails that I've archived, that will take some time though!

Next time I'll write an article to point out some of the dumbest mistakes these frauds make, believe me, that will be fun! ;)

Yours sincerly,

The Curious One

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